Your marketing budget is stretched thinner each year, and you need to find a way to reach current and prospective customers. Although marketing strategies evolve over the years, one thing remains constant: the need to meet your customers face to face. Taking a few hours to showcase your products or services, and speak to a targeted community of interest, is the most efficient and cost effective way to establish and maintain customer relationships and achieve substantial ROI.
The Fort Bliss Tactical & Tech Day will be taking place on Wednesday, November 17, 2021. Exhibiting companies are encouraged to provide live demos and hands-on training to benefit the attendees. Opportunities will be available to promote your demo/training in the program guide, event website, and on-site at the event.
Invited Personnel
- USAG Fort Bliss
- 1 Armored Division
- 1 AD Headquarters/Headquarters Battalion
- 1st Brigade Combat Team
- 2nd Brigade Combat Team
- 3rd Brigade Combat Team
- 5th Armored Brigade
- Combat Aviation Brigade
- 1AD Sustainment Brigade
- 32nd Army Air & Missile Defense Command
- Army Joint Modernization Command
- Joint Task Force – North
- 11th Air Defense Artillery Brigade
- 93D Military Police Battalion
- 86th Expeditionary Signal Battalion
- 204th Military Intelligence Battalion
- US Army Sergeants Major Academy
- US Army Non Commissioned Officer Leadership of Excellence Academy
- William Beaumont Army Medical Center
- 31st Combat Support Hospital
Requested Technologies
- Anti-Missile Technology
- Cloud Security
- Communications Solutions
- Cross Domain Solutions
- Cyber Tools
- Data Encryption
- Fiber Cabling Solutions
- Field Communication Equipment
- Fire Suppression Equipment
- GIS Mapping
- LMR Two-way Radio
- Logistics Management Tools
- Medical/Health Care
- Modernization
- Networking Equipment & Data Center Services
- Networking Solutions (integrated, turnkey, and with low SWAP requirements)
- Power Distribution
- Printers/Hardware
- Signal Jammers
- Simulated Training Tools
- Tactical Radios
- Thermal Imaging
- Virtualization Solutions
- VTC Systems
- Wireless Devices
Please provide your information below to further discuss how your company can assist with any of these products or services of interest. Also, Let us know who your target audience is and we will invite them to the event!