*Draft and subject to change*


1200-1600 Exhibit Hall A
Exhibitor Set-Up

1600-1800 Exhibit Hall A
Senior Leadership Expo Tour and Networking Social (Invite Only)


Check In

0900-0910 Main Ballroom
Welcome and Intro of Keynote Speaker
MG John Kline
Commanding General, Center for Initial Military Training

0910-1005 Main Ballroom
Keynote Speaker Address
SMA Michael Weimer
17th Sergeant Major of the Army

1005-1035 Main Ballroom
H2F ā€œBest of the Bestā€ Awards Presentation
MG John Kline
Commanding General, Center for Initial Military Training

1035-1115 Main Ballroom
H2F System Overview & Modernization Update
COL Jason Faulkenberry
Director, Holistic Health and Fitness (H2F) System

Dr. Andrew Thompson
Research Physiologist, Center for Initial Military Training

1115-1510 Exhibit Hall A
Break/Exhibit Hall/Lunch On Your Own

1510-1540 Main Ballroom
Nutritional Readiness Domain Presentation
Ms. Holly McClung
Nutritional Physiologist, US Army Research Institute for Environmental Medicine

1540-1610 Main Ballroom
USAR H2F Update
MG Robert Harter
Commanding General, 81st Readiness Division

1610-1640 Main Ballroom
Victory H2F at Fort Jackson, SC
MG Jason Kelly
Commanding General, US Army Training Center & Fort Jackson


0630-0730 Parking Lot at Hall A Entrance
BeaverFit Fitness Session (Optional)

0730-0830 Outside Terrace, Second Floor
Tactical Mobility Active Recovery & Mindfulness (TMAR-M) PT Session (Optional)

Check In

0900-0910 Main Ballroom
Day Two Opening Remarks

0910-0955 Main Ballroom
H2F in Deployment
BG Deydre Teyhen
Director, Defense Health Network – National Capital Region

0955-1025 Main Ballroom
Physical Readiness Domain Presentation
Dr. Kelly Starrett
Physical Therapist and Author

1025-1055 Main Ballroom
Mental Readiness Domain Presentation
MG Beth Salisbury
Commanding General, 807th Medical Command (Deployment Support)

1055-1110 Exhibit Hall A
Break/Exhibit Hall

1110-1140 Main Ballroom
ARNG H2F Update
CSM John Raines
Command Sergeant Major, Army National Guard

1140-1210 Main Ballroom
Spiritual Readiness Domain Presentation
CH (MG) William Green Jr.
US Army Chief of Chaplains

1210-1240 Main Ballroom
Sleep Readiness Domain Presentation
MAJ Allison Brager
Neuroscientist, US Army Special Operations Command

H2F Domain Presentations/Exhibit Hall/Lunch On Your Own

Time ā€œBest of the Bestā€ Physical Domain Nutrition Domain Spiritual/Sleep Domain Mental Domain
Location Main Ballroom / 2nd Floor Conf Rm A-B / 1st Floor Conf Rm C-D / 1st Floor Rm 106-107 / 1st Floor Rm 108-109 / 1st Floor
1300-1320 Physical Domain Presentation: Designing An Effective Physical Therapy/Injury Control Framework to Address Injury Prevention for both Trainees and Cadre Heat Illness Prevention Resources for the H2F Professional Nutrition, Immune Function, and Infectious Disease in Military Personnel Spiritual Performance: An Essential and Measurable Domain for Human Performance Optimization Optimizing Soldier Resilience and Performance through Collaborative Efforts: Bridging Services to Improve Individual and Unit Readiness
1330-1350 Nutrition Domain Presentation: How Our Athlete Meal Prep Program and Command Food Policy Program Enhances Soldiersā€™ Nutritional Readiness Integrating Holistic Health and Fitness (H2F) in Large Scale Combat Operations (LSCO) and Multi-Domain Operations (MDO) Nutritional Strategies for Optimizing Recovery and Accelerating Return-to-Duty after Musculoskeletal Injury Spiritual Wellness: A Foundation for Health and Fitness A Leader Driven Approach to Developing a Mental Readiness H2F Program
1400-1420 Mental Domain Presentation: The Collaborative Power of H2F to Meet the Needs of the Devil Brigade Transforming P3T: A New Era in Army Pregnancy and Postpartum Fitness Elevating Tactical Nutrition: A Model for Planning, Programming, and Evaluating H2F Nutrition Initiatives Spiritual Fitness: A Basic Approach to Unit Level Training Multidisciplinary Approach to Improve Marksmanship and Lethality by Synchronizing Breath Control and Heart Rate
1430-1450 Spiritual Domain Presentation: A Collaborative with Chaplain Lovejoy to Restore The Spiritual Core of a Grieving Unit Georgia Southern Tactical Performance Initiatives Preventing, Assessing, and Treating Low Energy Availability (LEA) and Relative Energy Deficiency (RED) in Soldiers The High Achievement Project: A Spiritual Readiness Model for Leaders Looking Beyond Jenga Blocks and Brain Games: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Building Cognitive Lethality Within Special Operations
1500-1520 Sleep Domain Presentation: Lowering Psychological Distress and Enhancing Overall Well-Being Through The SOAR (Sleep Optimization And Recovery) Program How to Efficiently Use Each Team Member of an H2F Team for Interdisciplinary and GS- MIL Collaboration H2F: From Silo to System – Best Practices and Lessons Learned to Optimize Integration Current State of Commercial Human Performance Technologies for Monitoring Soldier Physical Attributes, Workload, Sleep, and Recovery Exploring the Potential of Wearable Sensor Technology for Behavioral Health
1530-1550 Interdisciplinary Presentation: 42D MP BDE H2F Onboarding How Data Can Drive Readiness and Lethality from The Boardroom to The Battlefield
Barbells and the US Corps of Cadets
Sleep Leader Guides: Tools to Optimize Sleep and Manage Fatigue Optimizing Brain Health, Resilience, and Operational Performance through Synergistic Applied Research Efforts between the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research-West and the H2F Program

1610-1630 Main Ballroom
Closing Comments
MG John Kline
Commanding General, Center for Initial Military Training