Exhibiting companies are encouraged to provide live demos and hands-on training to benefit the attendees. Showcase your technology solutions to meet the ever-changing demands that their mission requires. 0800–0930 AFCEA Breakfast Dining Room 0930–1030 Senior Leadership Tour Suites 1-3 1030–1300 Exhibits Open Suites 1-3 1100–1300 Industry and Military Tech Talks Suite 4The Ramstein AB Tech Expo aims to foster innovation, collaboration, and education by bringing together government and industry to address mission requirements and technology solutions. This event, open and free to all Ramstein AB personnel, offers a platform to explore cutting-edge technologies and engage with industry professionals.
Separate registration through AFCEA website required.
Senior leaders and subject matter experts can efficiently preview exhibits and engage with exhibitors during this exclusive session. Each exhibitor will present their products and services in a one-minute pitch.
Open to all personnel, this session allows attendees to explore exhibits and network with industry experts.
Speaking sessions featuring key industry partners and military leaders discussing the impact of technology within the DoD. Each session is worth 2 CEUs, for an opportunity to earn 8 total.
GOVERNMENT/MILITARY This event welcomes all organizations, units, and tenant commands to explore, assess, and learn about current and upcoming technologies. Throughout the day, government and industry can work together on mission needs, with industry partners presenting their newest mission-focused technologies. The event is free for all base personnel and takes place directly on your installation. Additionally, senior leaders have the chance to join a guided tour of the Expo before it opens to the public. It’s an excellent opportunity to identify potential solutions and products worth exploring further, and to engage in collaboration with other colleagues. WHY ATTEND? Innovate Collaborate Educate
INDUSTRY EXHIBITORS Marketing strategies have evolved over time, yet the importance of engaging with customers in person remains unchanged. Demonstrating your strengths and connecting with a specific community of interest is a highly effective and economical method for building and nurturing customer connections. Exhibiting companies are advised to offer live demonstrations and interactive training sessions to enhance the attendees’ experience. EXHIBITOR DETAILS Exhibit Registration Includes Past Attendees Requested Technologies Artificial Intelligence; Augmented Reality; Big Data; Biotech; Blockchain Technologies; Cloud Computing; Collaborative Networking; Combat Communications; Command and Control Equipment; Commercial Solutions for Classified Networks; Counter-Small Unmanned Aircraft Detection Systems; Cyber Threat Intelligence; Data Analytics; Deployable Communications Solutions; Drones; ELF/VLF/LF Radio Systems; Energy Conservation; Enterprise IT-as-a-Service; Flight Mission Planning; Mobile Data Network; Nanotechnology; Passive Optical Networks; Radar Systems; Robotics; Satellite Communications; Servers and Storage Solutions; Tactical Edge and Tactical Communications; Zero Trust